Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Arma Sutra - Cuddling Positions

Arma Sutra cuddling positions
Though I recently posted about the Arm Pillo, I just made this Arma Sutra collage and I really like the way it turned out. The Arm Pillo can be ordered through or

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Arm Pillo on IndieGoGo

Edit: The IndieGoGo campaign has ended, but the Arm Pillo is available through and

First and foremost, the link Sorry, but I'm not trying to be subtle about wanting you to check it out. New things: Arma Sutra, Leopard Print, Blue Fleece, Pink Fleece. Kickstarter doesn't want infomercial type products, so that's why the Arm Pillo was rejected. Finally, some closure. So that means here we go, IndieGoGo. Here's a little sample of what's on the IndieGoGo page:
Yeah, you know you like it. Mrrrawr.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sara Lewis - Visit Me In My Dreams

I've been lucky enough to have seen Sarah Lewis twice in concert. Once with her full band and once with just her piano, and I'm undecided as to which I like better, as both were spectacular. Her band adds some oomph, but when she's alone you can really hear her golden pipes filling up the space. Here's the video for her single "Visit Me In My Dreams", a cute stop motion/animation video. By all accounts, I'm a pretty manly dude, but this song nearly made me cry the first time I heard it. And the second. And third.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pillared Graphene

Schematic representation of Pillared graphene. From Sihn et. al.
           So, everybody loves carbon nanotubes and everybody loves graphene; why not throw them together? Pillared graphene is just that. Take sheets of graphene and connect them with carbon nanotubes that emanate perpendicularly from their surface and that gives you pillared graphene. It's only been studied numerically, but in a few years you should expect to see it done experimentally. These images were taken from a paper by Sihn where they numerically modeled the mechanical properties of these structures. Sadly, these composite structures are not stiffer than regular graphene. But they do look hella cool, and they will undoubtedly have some amazing applications.


So, that super far fetched movie is really not that far fetched after all.