Online marketing is pretty tough. There's essentially infinite competition if you want YouTube views on your video or for a picture you post to one of the many image hosting sites. Same goes for articles. Why would you read this if there was something more entertaining or informative, even if it's not exactly related?
So, through my research I've found the best way to get more traffic is to write about getting more traffic. It's so meta. Like real world Inception level meta. It seems pretty obvious to me that people who are writing about helping others get more traffic are really looking for more traffic for themselves, but they always try to veil that fact. I, however, like to keep it real, so, yes, I hope this article gets me more traffic. I also hope that this newly increased traffic helps promote my Arm Pillo which is kind of a silly product, but it's actually very useful. So that's it. To summarize:
1. Write about getting more traffic to get more traffic
2. Keep it real
3. Arm Pillo, Arm Pillo, Arm Pillo, Arm Pillo.
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