Sunday, January 9, 2011

First of All

The point of this blog is to promote cross disciplinary thinking. While attending Georgia Tech for a Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering,  I noticed a lot of competition between students not just in the classroom but also outside of it. I believe classroom competition is beneficial to learning, but bickering about which major is more difficult and putting down non-engineering majors is detrimental to the community as a whole. Most students don't realize the insights that are gained from areas outside of their own field of study, generally due to their belief that what they are studying is a "harder major". I, for one, cannot draw very well and think that art school might be more difficult for me than the average person. However, math and science are my forte, so engineering was an obvious choice. There is a lot of snootiness in engineering circles, and a lot of snootiness in art and science and business circles as well, and I think people need to see the brilliance in each other. I welcome ideas from people, and will objectively evaluate the idea, not the person.

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