Monday, December 12, 2011

My Unfounded Theories 2: Where does the time go?

So, how's the space-time continuum been treating you lately? This is my standard greeting when I'm feeling a little bit pompous. Well, time is pretty crazy when you think about it. It's the fourth dimension, it's the first non-spatial one (the second one is possibilities? Ah, who knows), but mathematically it can pretty much just be lumped with the spatial ones. People have pondered about what time is for all of humanity, so don't expect a definitive conclusion from this post. The problem seems to be that we really have no way of probing time. For probing space, we have things like the LHC and telescopes, but nothing of the like for time. We know it slows down as you move faster thanks to that Einstein, but not much else. Are we just moving along one time-path in a sea of infinite, or even finite, possible time paths? Do our decisions dictate our path, or is it predetermined? And this is the problem. Thinking about time gets speculative very quickly, and it is tough to reel back in.

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