Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Unfounded Theories 3: Distant Aliens Think We Move Slowly Due To Special Relativity

Hear me out. It all depends on your frame of reference. Light is the fastest thing in every reference frame, but in certain reference frames we will be moving near the speed of light. So, the Earth is moving around the sun at 30,000 meters per second, and around the Milky Way at around 250,000 meters per second an around the Local Group of galaxies at 300,000 meters per second. These speeds are a couple of orders of magnitude lower than the speed of light (300,000,000 meters per second), but as you take your reference frame as being deeper and deeper into space, the faster we a relatively moving.

So what kind of implications does this have? Well, in inertial reference frames, time dilation is an observed effect that causes time in a fast moving object to slow down. So, if there was another planet very far away and it was moving very fast, it would appear to us that clock on that planet would tick very slowly. If there was life on that planet, it would appear that life would grow very slowly. The same would be true of us from their perspective. This is pretty cool, because if aliens tried to sneak up on us, they might think we were sloths, but when they get here they would see that we move quickly. Unless they know about relativity and took it into account. Here's to hoping Einstein was the smartest person/thing ever.

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