Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arm Pillo Kickstarter Rejection

Edit: The Arm Pillo is available through and through

So, apparently, it's not as easy to get on as I thought. If you don't know what kickstarter is, well, basically it's a site that allows you to crowd-source funding for your project or product. You provide a video and different levels of rewards for certain amounts of money donated. We just had a normal Arm Pillo level and a fleece or leopard print level. They said the Arm Pillo didn't "fit" with kickstarter. I guess the Arm Pillo doesn't fit anywhere, except around your arm. This is a setback, but throughout my life, I've rarely fit in anywhere, so I will persist. Below is the video we made, there was an intro we made for kickstarter, but I decided to take it out, mostly out of spite, though it was pretty funny. We put up a website that has the Arm Pillo along with a few other products for sale.

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