Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Cuddle Sutra

The Cuddle Sutra is exactly what you think it is: a collection of cuddling positions. I, for one, am glad to see that someone has put in the effort to create this book (the author Rob Garder, and the slew of other people that it probably took to make it happen). It's a bit of de-sexing in an oversexed society. Now for my shameless plug, the Arm Pillo, as it's name implies, is a pillow that wraps around your arm and is great addition to many cuddling positions. In addition to cuddling positions that are enhanced by the Arm Pillo, the Arma Sutra (get it?) contains positions that you can comfortably sleep in by yourself in random places (like at a desk, in a car, etc).

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