Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Panspermia and Exogenesis

Panspermia translated from Greek as "all seed" (Pan = all, spermia = seed), is the theory that forms of life exist throughout the universe and are just floating around waiting to hit something that provides the right conditions for them to grow on. Generally, it's thought that this would happen in the form of dormant bacteria on asteroids that hit planets that allow the bacteria to wake up and multiply. This is where exogenesis comes into play. Exogenesis is the theory that life on earth was started somewhere else in the universe and was brought here either randomly or on purpose by aliens. Neither of these theories are supposed to explain how life started, just how it might have spread/will spread.

Today there was some evidence found on a meteorite that two of the four nucleic acids that make up DNA might have come from space along with some related molecules that are not used by life on earth. Neato, I want some synthetic space DNA.

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