Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sophistication Luxury Tap Water

Everybody wishes they invested in bottled water, but when it first came out, the question on everybody's mind was, "Who on earth would buy bottled water? How silly." Now it pervades our society and even the Coca-Cola Company has its own bottled water brand (Dasani, in case you didn't know). The bottled water industry is extremely wasteful, producing tons and tons of plastic that ends up in a lot of land fills. There is also a large amount of fuel wasted by transporting water around in trucks (water is very heavy, so heavy in fact, if you were to fill an entire tractor trailer car with it, the suspension wouldn't be able to handle it).

Sophistication Luxury Tap Water sets its satirical cross hairs on the bottled water industry by branding good ol' tap water and adds a filter just in case there's anything nasty in your local tap, though that's unlikely because tap water is more regulated than the bottled kind. Visit www.luxurytapwater.com for more info.

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