Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hands in the air


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gotye Is On Another Level

"Somebody I Used to Know" was an unbelievably huge hit for Gotye, and an ungodly number of people covered it on youtube.  But being the artist that he is, Gotye decided that all these cover presented an opportunity rather an encroachment on his work. This man is on another level of artistry that most will never achieve. Remix the covers of my own song? Brilliant.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Cuddle Sutra

The Cuddle Sutra is exactly what you think it is: a collection of cuddling positions. I, for one, am glad to see that someone has put in the effort to create this book (the author Rob Garder, and the slew of other people that it probably took to make it happen). It's a bit of de-sexing in an oversexed society. Now for my shameless plug, the Arm Pillo, as it's name implies, is a pillow that wraps around your arm and is great addition to many cuddling positions. In addition to cuddling positions that are enhanced by the Arm Pillo, the Arma Sutra (get it?) contains positions that you can comfortably sleep in by yourself in random places (like at a desk, in a car, etc).

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Arm Pillo Update

New Logo!
There are quite a few things going on in the Arm Pillo Universe. Firstly, we have a logo! Secondly, we have posted the Deluxe Fleece Arm Pillo for sale on in cotton candy pink and baby blue. We started using Facebook ads to advertise our Facebook page and it seems to be going pretty well. The Arma Sutra is going to be remade because the pictures the first time around were kind of overwhelming, we just need a white background. And that's about it for now.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Arma Sutra - Cuddling Positions

Arma Sutra cuddling positions
Though I recently posted about the Arm Pillo, I just made this Arma Sutra collage and I really like the way it turned out. The Arm Pillo can be ordered through or

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Arm Pillo on IndieGoGo

Edit: The IndieGoGo campaign has ended, but the Arm Pillo is available through and

First and foremost, the link Sorry, but I'm not trying to be subtle about wanting you to check it out. New things: Arma Sutra, Leopard Print, Blue Fleece, Pink Fleece. Kickstarter doesn't want infomercial type products, so that's why the Arm Pillo was rejected. Finally, some closure. So that means here we go, IndieGoGo. Here's a little sample of what's on the IndieGoGo page:
Yeah, you know you like it. Mrrrawr.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sara Lewis - Visit Me In My Dreams

I've been lucky enough to have seen Sarah Lewis twice in concert. Once with her full band and once with just her piano, and I'm undecided as to which I like better, as both were spectacular. Her band adds some oomph, but when she's alone you can really hear her golden pipes filling up the space. Here's the video for her single "Visit Me In My Dreams", a cute stop motion/animation video. By all accounts, I'm a pretty manly dude, but this song nearly made me cry the first time I heard it. And the second. And third.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pillared Graphene

Schematic representation of Pillared graphene. From Sihn et. al.
           So, everybody loves carbon nanotubes and everybody loves graphene; why not throw them together? Pillared graphene is just that. Take sheets of graphene and connect them with carbon nanotubes that emanate perpendicularly from their surface and that gives you pillared graphene. It's only been studied numerically, but in a few years you should expect to see it done experimentally. These images were taken from a paper by Sihn where they numerically modeled the mechanical properties of these structures. Sadly, these composite structures are not stiffer than regular graphene. But they do look hella cool, and they will undoubtedly have some amazing applications.


So, that super far fetched movie is really not that far fetched after all.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

PSY-YUNG -You're (Not) Alone

This is a banger. 'nuff said.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arm Pillo Kickstarter Rejection

Edit: The Arm Pillo is available through and through

So, apparently, it's not as easy to get on as I thought. If you don't know what kickstarter is, well, basically it's a site that allows you to crowd-source funding for your project or product. You provide a video and different levels of rewards for certain amounts of money donated. We just had a normal Arm Pillo level and a fleece or leopard print level. They said the Arm Pillo didn't "fit" with kickstarter. I guess the Arm Pillo doesn't fit anywhere, except around your arm. This is a setback, but throughout my life, I've rarely fit in anywhere, so I will persist. Below is the video we made, there was an intro we made for kickstarter, but I decided to take it out, mostly out of spite, though it was pretty funny. We put up a website that has the Arm Pillo along with a few other products for sale.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games

Yes, I, a twenty three year old male have read the Hunger Games Trilogy. And it was good. The movie of the first installment, however, did not live up to my expectations. I hated the cinematography, it was shot like a British sci-fi show, most of which I cannot stand solely for the way they are shot. The CGI was mostly terrible (the flames during the entrance of the contestants were uninspired). For a world that's supposed to be in the future, everything seemed like it was straight out of the 1950s. The lack of detail in the story was understandable due to the time constraint, but details such as the victors crown being split between Katniss and Peeta at the end would have added no time and needed no explanation. Rant, rant, rant. 7/10.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Caution: Lots Of Website Traffic

Caution: If Inception made your head hurt, this post may do the same.

Online marketing is pretty tough. There's essentially infinite competition if you want YouTube views on your video or for a picture you post to one of the many image hosting sites. Same goes for articles. Why would you read this if there was something more entertaining or informative, even if it's not exactly related?

So, through my research I've found the best way to get more traffic is to write about getting more traffic. It's so meta. Like real world Inception level meta. It seems pretty obvious to me that people who are writing about helping others get more traffic are really looking for more traffic for themselves, but they always try to veil that fact. I, however, like to keep it real, so, yes, I hope this article gets me more traffic. I also hope that this newly increased traffic helps promote my Arm Pillo which is kind of a silly product, but it's actually very useful. So that's it. To summarize:

1. Write about getting more traffic to get more traffic
2. Keep it real
3. Arm Pillo, Arm Pillo, Arm Pillo, Arm Pillo.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolutions

1. Floss everyday- I got some cavities in between my teeth
2. Network with people better - Everyone is interesting
3. Fart around less (both literally and figuratively a.k.a. less internet)
4. Dress nicer
5. Shave everyday

2012 Stop playin'. No games. Get serious. Have fun.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Unfounded Theories 3: Distant Aliens Think We Move Slowly Due To Special Relativity

Hear me out. It all depends on your frame of reference. Light is the fastest thing in every reference frame, but in certain reference frames we will be moving near the speed of light. So, the Earth is moving around the sun at 30,000 meters per second, and around the Milky Way at around 250,000 meters per second an around the Local Group of galaxies at 300,000 meters per second. These speeds are a couple of orders of magnitude lower than the speed of light (300,000,000 meters per second), but as you take your reference frame as being deeper and deeper into space, the faster we a relatively moving.

So what kind of implications does this have? Well, in inertial reference frames, time dilation is an observed effect that causes time in a fast moving object to slow down. So, if there was another planet very far away and it was moving very fast, it would appear to us that clock on that planet would tick very slowly. If there was life on that planet, it would appear that life would grow very slowly. The same would be true of us from their perspective. This is pretty cool, because if aliens tried to sneak up on us, they might think we were sloths, but when they get here they would see that we move quickly. Unless they know about relativity and took it into account. Here's to hoping Einstein was the smartest person/thing ever.