Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Google Trends

Google tracks basically everything anyone does on the internet. It's pretty amazing, and Google Trends lets you search through their mountains of search and site visit data. You can find out a whole bunch of curious things with this data, for instance, most of blogger.com's traffic comes from the US (which is true for most big sites), but the region with the second most traffic? Indonesia. That's pretty random. The daily unique visitors chart for blogger.com is show below.

Now on to everybody's favorite subject: Facebook.
The daily visitors chart is just ridiculous. Over 300 million UNIQUE visitors a day, and it doesn't look like there is any end of growth in sight. No wonder it's worth about 50 billion bucks.

But then you look at the MySpace chart and you see how the mighty can fall. Google only has charts for the past 18 months or so, but it would be pretty interesting to see when traffic for MySpace started to die off, and Facebook started to pick up.

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