Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wire Clothes Hanger Machine

So, clothes hangers are pretty boring, right? To most people yes, they are extremely boring. They haven't really changed much since they were invented and they are commonplace more useful for unclogging drains than for their intended purpose. I, however, have what some might call a fascination with them. There are well over 150 patents for clothes hangers (mostly of the collapsible type), but the vast majority of them have failed. And that is the mark of a good design, something that stands the test of time. To quote one of the most not-so-poetic bands of the 80's, "only time will tell if we stand the test of time". Oh, Van Halen, you should have just stuck with David Lee Roth, he may have been an alcoholic but at least he could write. But I digress, here's TWO machines that make wire coat hangers. Enjoy!

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